Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Millennials at New Marketing Conference

I've spent the last two days in Boston, MA at the second annual New Marketing Summit. The days were jam packed and high paced, churning out solid, valuable tips from leading experts in "new" marketing, PR, social media, etc. Most presentations were kept to 10 minutes, some just 5 minutes and it was awesome! Presenters were forced to get to the meat and kept the audience engaged, which is not easy when you have a conference that runs from 8 AM-7 PM.

A select few deserving speakers got a whole 30 minutes to share their insight--my favorites being David Meerman Scott and Paul Gillin. Other really remarkable (linkable) quick presentations that stuck with me were given by Todd Defren and Brian Halligan.

The inspiration for this blog came from a panel of millennial markers. They touched on some key descriptors of the millennial generation, but I think they also left a lot out. This blog is my take on things as a Millennial Marketer. Enjoy!

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